Growlink Smart Farm Blog

An Inside Look: Dr. Robb Farms & Their Growlink System

Written by Megan De Quiroz | May 3, 2022 3:00:00 PM

Dr. Robb Farms utilizes Growlink for 40,000+ Sq ft of canopy. Special thanks to Dr. Robb & team for allowing us to come in and capture your brand's story. Checkout how Growlink has enabled them to scale and automate processes below:



The Facility

Dr. Robb Farms is based in Desert Hot Springs, California, and currently has 40,000+ sq ft of canopy, with plans to expand their facility in the near future. The facility finds unique ways to harness the sun, as Desert Hot Springs sees 239 days of full sun each year. Dr. Robb Farms chose Growlink to help them streamline processes and automate tasks, giving Cultivators the time they need to focus on the plants. 

A Background on Dr. Robb Farms

Dr. Robert Flannery is the first PhD in the United States with certified technical expertise in growing commercial Cannabis. While going through cancer treatment, Dr. Flannery’s mom sought recommendations for safely medicating with Cannabis. Dr. Flannery’s unmatched expertise in the field and his absolute vigilance for his mom’s health created the most stringent standards – no applied chemicals, no pesticides, and no additional risks of being harmful to his mother. No products matched his high standards for his mom, so Dr. Flannery decided to make his own clean product. And in doing so, Dr. Robb Farms was born. 

Utilizing Our Fertigation System

When looking at their Fertigation system and nutrient dosing, it was impressive to hear the team quantify what the system has done for them. For each nutrient batch, it would take 45 minutes per employee to hand dose and feed, but with our system, it's as easy as one staff member dosing from the app on their phone or tablet in 30 seconds. The cultivation team is enabled to spend more time focused on plant health, and less time on redundant tasks. Not to mention, precision control over nutrient dosing ensures prevention of massive swings in pH and EC swings. 

Environmental Sensors & Controls

And while pH and EC swings can still occur, environmental sensors & controls help. When a swing in pH or EC does occur, the team is equipped to quickly pinpoint the problem in the Growlink app. It takes the guesswork out when you have a platform that monitors and controls your facility, all while alerting you of anything concerning. Something unique we hadn't seen but wanted to share as well was that their facility chose to grow in bags that are compostable. Another great way to minimize waste and environmental impact.

When we took a tour of their flower room, or as they call it the 'hybrid indoor system,' we were quick to point out the impressive blackout shades above. While it is still an indoor environment, the set up is unique because Desert Hot Springs sees roughly 239 full days of sun per year. To automate and control the shades, the facility utilizes our Smart Motor Controllers. The environmental sensor data is read, and set points are set in our app to ensure the shades are open or drawn when they're supposed to, all controlled by our smart motor controllers. 

Why We Do Customer Highlight Visits

We love visiting our customer facilities, because at the end of the day, environmental controls and solutions are not a one size fits all. It was awesome to capture how Dr. Robb Farms utilizes Growlink to fit their needs, and we are so thankful they were open to us highlighting them.

These site visits give us the opportunity to work side-by-side with our customers, understand their challenges and develop solutions together to improve there operations. These visits play a crucial role in our development process. This is just one way we are able to develop products with you the customer in mind.  

Have Questions On the Products?

Have questions on any of the products we mentioned? To schedule a demo, click here.