5 Mistakes Commercial Growers Make (and How to Avoid Them)


Running a successful commercial grow operation requires precision, strategy, and an unwavering commitment to maximizing efficiency. Yet, even seasoned growers can fall into certain traps that compromise yields and efficiency. Below, we’ll tackle five of the most common mistakes growers make and, most importantly, how to avoid them. 

1. Overwatering or Underwatering: The Tug-of-War You Can't Afford 

Watering isn’t rocket science, but it might as well be if you’re not paying attention to your plants’ needs. Overwatering is the fast track to root rot, while underwatering will leave your plants stunted and gasping for nutrients. Balancing this delicate equation is non-negotiable. 

How to Avoid It: 

Automate your irrigation system! Smart irrigation controllers allow you to dial in the perfect balance, using data-driven insights to give your plants exactly what they need when they need it. Growlink’s sensors, for instance, track soil moisture in real-time allowing you to manage your irrigation timers accordingly, so you're not left guessing. Precision is your best friend here. 

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2. Ignoring Environmental Control: VPD Isn’t Just a Buzzword

Many growers overlook the importance of maintaining proper environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, and air circulation. Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) is the big one, and if you’re not managing it, your plants are suffering—plain and simple. You can grow the best genetics, but if the environment is off, your plants won’t reach their full potential. 

How to Avoid It: 

You need real-time environmental data, not just a gut feeling. Set up environmental controllers that monitor and adjust your climate conditions automatically. Whether you need to dial in the VPD or simply control the airflow, Growlink’s environment sensors and controllers ensure your grow is always in the optimal zone. 

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3. Nutrient Imbalance: When Too Much of a Good Thing Goes Wrong 

Feeding your plants is more than just throwing nutrients into the mix and hoping for the best. Overfeeding leads to nutrient lockout, while underfeeding stunts growth. A lot of growers think "more is better" and end up drowning their crops in salts and minerals, causing more harm than good. 

How to Avoid It: 

The solution? Automated nutrient dosing. Invest in a nutrient delivery system that provides precise, accurate dosing at the right time. With Growlink’s Nutrient Delivery Systems, you can automate this entire process, ensuring your plants receive the perfect nutrient blend every time. No more overfeeding guesswork. 



4. Inconsistent Lighting: Your Plants Need Routine Too 

Lighting is life for your plants—both the amount and the timing of light exposure. Messing with the photoperiod can throw off growth cycles, stress your plants, and even cause hermaphroditism in certain crops. Too much or too little light or inconsistent schedules? It’s like giving your plants jet lag. 

How to Avoid It: 

Automate your lighting schedules with precision timers or a grow room controller. Growlink’s platform lets you set, monitor, and adjust light cycles remotely, ensuring your plants stay on track even when you’re not on-site. Real time sensors allow for accurate PPFD tracking as well to ensure you’re meeting your DLI needs. Consistency here translates directly into bigger, healthier yields.

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5. Lack of Data Utilization: Flying Blind in a Data-Driven World 

If you’re not using data, you’re behind. Growers who aren’t analyzing their data are essentially flying blind. Tracking historical trends in water usage, nutrient levels, light intensity, and even plant health metrics allows you to make smarter, faster decisions. The growers who are succeeding right now are data-driven. 

How to Avoid It: 

Set up a smart dashboard that aggregates all your growing data in one place. Growlink’s platform integrates data from sensors, controllers, and nutrient delivery systems, allowing you to make informed decisions based on real-time data. The more you know, the more you grow—it’s that simple. 

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Avoiding these mistakes isn’t just about fixing problems, it’s about optimizing every facet of your grow operation. Whether it’s automated irrigation, precise nutrient dosing, or environmental control, taking the guesswork out of growing means healthier plants, higher yields, and ultimately, a more profitable operation.

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