Growlink Smart Farm Blog

Recent Posts by Ted Tanner, CEO and Co-Founder

Ted is a business executive and serial entrepreneur with more than 25 years experience in business and product development. He’s the co-founder and CEO of Growlink, with a mission to help growers connect and optimize their operations through technology, data, and automation. Prior to Growlink, Ted co-founded, a leading local search site, which completed its IPO in October 2004 and raised $25 million. He also co-founded AtLast Fulfillment, an outsourcing technology solution for warehousing, fulfillment, and customer care that was purchased by Newgistics in 2012.
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Introducing Growlink Advanced Control Algorithms Library

Introducing Growlink Advanced Control Algorithms Library – powerful control algorithms designed specifically for precision greenhouse control. Control Algorithms empower you to create customizable rule sequences that adapt to your plants' specific needs in real-time, reacting to changes in temperature, humidity, light, and more. By utilizing advanced algorithms, rules, and AI, you'll have the power to automate and fine-tune your greenhouse environment like never before.

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Unleashing the Potential of Data for Sustainable and Efficient Controlled Environment Agriculture

Subtitle: Leveraging Cutting-Edge Technologies for a Greener and More Productive Future


At Growlink, we are passionate about utilizing the power of data to revolutionize the agricultural sector. Our mission is to empower farmers and agribusinesses with actionable insights that enable more efficient and sustainable farming practices. As the world's population continues to grow, we face the challenge of feeding an ever-increasing number of people, while also preserving our planet's precious natural resources. By harnessing the power of data, we can work together to achieve a more sustainable agricultural future.

The Role of Data in Modern Agriculture:

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Benefits of Precision Irrigation

Precision irrigation is a method of watering crops that uses technology to ensure that the right amount of water is delivered to the plants at the right time. One key component of precision irrigation is the use of substrate sensors, which measure the moisture content of the soil and provide farmers with real-time information about the water needs of their crops.

One of the main benefits of precision irrigation is that it can help farmers to save water and reduce their water bills. By using substrate sensors to measure the moisture content of the soil, farmers can avoid over-watering their crops, which can lead to water waste and increased costs. Additionally, precision irrigation can help to improve crop yields, as plants that are properly watered are more likely to thrive and produce a larger harvest.

Another benefit of precision irrigation is that it can help farmers to conserve energy. Traditional irrigation methods often rely on large pumps that use a significant amount of energy to move water from a well or other source to the fields. By using precision irrigation methods that only deliver water when it is needed, farmers can reduce the amount of energy required to water their crops.

There are different types of substrate sensors available, such as tensiometers, capacitance sensors, and time-domain reflectometry sensors, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Tensiometers are widely used due to their low cost and ease of use, while capacitance sensors offer more accurate moisture measurements, and time-domain reflectometry sensors are useful for measuring the water content of soil at different depths.

In conclusion, precision irrigation using substrate sensors is an effective and efficient way to water crops. By measuring the moisture content of the soil, farmers can save water, reduce their water bills, improve crop yields, and conserve energy. With the various types of substrate sensors available, farmers have the flexibility to choose the best option for their specific needs.

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How can a system with a controlled environment help improve crop performance?

Controlled environment systems, such as greenhouses, can help improve crop performance in a number of ways:

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New Soilless Substrate Calibration For TDR310W Sensor

Growlink is pleased to announce a new Soilless Substrate Calibration, providing even more accurate VWC and EC data.

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6 Reason Your Indoor Grow Needs Sensors

Greenhouse sensors are critical components of your indoor grow monitoring systems. Sensors continually measure specific conditions within a particular location and report that data to the system. 

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Avoid These Mistakes When Setting Up A Hydroponics Grow | Growlink

Starting a hydroponics garden for the first time is thrilling. It's a fun way to pass the time during Covid-19, and you have all those new gadgets to play with. It's an exciting project, and you get to see the progress your plants make over time. However, producing perfect plants requires some skill and attention to detail that you develop over time. It is common for rookie growers not to realize their mistakes until too late because a new garden doesn't have the usual indicators of something going wrong, like pests and diseases. Even if you have a lot of guidance in setting up your grow room, there are a lot of mistakes you may have made in the initial stages of developing that you may not realize.

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How To Spot And Resolve Nutrient Burn


How to spot and resolve Nutrient Burn.

Nutrient Burn – How to Spot Overfertilization and Nip “Nute Burn” in the Bud

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