Greenhouse sensors are critical components of your indoor grow monitoring systems. Sensors continually measure specific conditions within a particular location and report that data to the system.
Starting a hydroponics garden for the first time is thrilling. It's a fun way to pass the time during Covid-19, and you have all those new gadgets to play with. It's an exciting project, and you get to see the progress your plants make over time. However, producing perfect plants requires some skill and attention to detail that you develop over time. It is common for rookie growers not to realize their mistakes until too late because a new garden doesn't have the usual indicators of something going wrong, like pests and diseases. Even if you have a lot of guidance in setting up your grow room, there are a lot of mistakes you may have made in the initial stages of developing that you may not realize.
Nutrient Burn – How to Spot Overfertilization and Nip “Nute Burn” in the Bud
AgTech is revolutionizing the way crops are grown the world over, both in indoor and traditional environments. The ability to control environmental factors and agricultural processes with extrem
e precision leads to better crop yields, better resource management, lower costs, and improved environmental conditions. As a result, more and more growers are embracing automation in their operations. One precision technology that has become extremely popular across a wide variety of crop types is fertigation – the synthesis of fertilization and irrigation.
Topping and Fimming: Using High-Stress Training to Maximize Crop Quality and Yield
Keeping the Bugs at Bay – Preventing Pests in Controlled Environments