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Growlink Pledges 1% of Product, Profit, and Time

Growlink Pledges 1% of Product, Profit, and Time

Growlink Pledges 1% of Product, Profit, and Time to the Pledge 1 Percent Movement

We wanted to do more this year. The Pledge 1% Movement is a global corporate philanthropy movement, that will engage our business ongoing to continue to give back to local and national social causes. We know that 1% is a small commitment to make, that will make a huge impact later on. Growlink is proud to make the commitment to pledge 1% alongside of many other organizations including Salesforce, Atlassian, and many others. As we continue to grow and scale our programs, we plan to adapt and evolve what our Pledge 1% model looks like. We have the power to choose what our 1% goes towards, and the ability to scale our impact as we continue to grow. We've pledged 1% of our product, profit, and time to improving education, equality and the environment for everyone. We'll keep you updated throughout the year on our commitment, and the impact it makes.

1% Of Product, Profit, and Time


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