When companies are working on a new product or planning an expansion, it can be hard to make informed decisions or take the necessary actions without getting wrapped up in emotions or politics. This is amplified in the cannabis industry, as the rules and regulations surrounding cannabis are often complex and vary from state to state. Whether you are starting a new company or planning to scale up, hiring a reputable cannabis consultant is often a necessary tool for taking businesses of any size to the next level.

What are Cannabis consultants?

Cannabis or indoor grow consultants provide expertise in the planning, permitting, regulations, or growing of commercially cultivated cannabis. Smart companies bring in consultants to provide an unbiased eye and do some of the dirty work for them. They can address existing problems and identify future ones before they arise and help you avoid common project delays. Assisting in unclear requirements and environmental issues, hiring the right consultant could seriously streamline your project. 

Here are five things to consider when planning to hire a cannabis consultant for your next business venture.

Cannabis Consultants Can Save You Money

Hiring a consultant might appear cost prohibitive, especially at the beginning of the project, but this is a common misconception. The most important reason to contract cultivation or indoor grow consultant is to save money as they are uniquely geared to ‘doing it right’ the first time. Plus, hiring a consultant is far less expensive than hiring full-time employees, and you can also save on lawyer’s fees required to interpret the many laws surrounding cannabis.

They Know Complicated Cannabis Laws and Regulations

Even the most progressive of states are still figuring out exactly how to enforce cannabis laws. This kind of uncertainty makes it difficult for lenders and banks to decide how to proceed, and it makes it difficult for businesses to implement long-term logistics. By engaging a cannabis consultant, you get access to a group of professionals who can give you the advice you need, from licensing to packaging, distribution, and paperwork in your state.

They Can Help Reduce Stress

The reality is, hiring a cannabis consultant can get you from point A to point B better than you can. Having confidence in one’s abilities is a great thing, but no one has all the answers, and learning as you go can add unnecessary stress to your hectic schedule. You may not feel worried about your submission today, but at the one-week deadline mark, you’ll likely start to feel the pressure. 

Save Time

There's a high probability your consultant has already done a project like yours. They will know the necessary steps, requirements, timeline, and common roadblocks. Use your cannabis consultant’s expertise and experience to help you plan the project, and you’ll save a lot of time than if you were trying to go it alone.

Consultants Provide a Fresh Set of Eyes

Because consultants don’t work within your organization, they are not influenced by its culture. When presented with a challenge, they strive for a solution based on the information, not a personal bias. Internal debates on potential solutions are less complicated when skilled cannabis consultants help mediate discussions and provide impartial advice.

Make Sure You Hire a Reputable Consultant

It is almost more important than knowing why you should hire a cannabis consultant to contract a reputable one. Ensure the consultant has real and diverse experience across multiple verticals and multiple locations and has experience doing exactly what you need them to do. Apply here for a free indoor grow consultation and get growing!

5 Reason To Hire A Cannabis Consultant


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