Growlink Smart Farm Blog

How To Increase Crop Yields Using Big Data

Adopting advanced analytics to improve yield and deal with variables is driving the agriculture analytics market. Big data is making a significant impact on every industry, and now farmers and indoor growers can streamline their operations by creating a 'smart farm.' 

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Can Greenhouse Controllers Save You Money?

Running a greenhouse or indoor grow operation is a tireless endeavor requiring significant resources. Managing the variables involved in running a commercial greenhouse or indoor grow space is a massive undertaking, but technology is changing that.

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Why Urban and Vertical Farming Are Changing How We Grow

What Is Urban and Vertical Farming?

First coined by American geologist Gilbert Bailey in 1915, the term  vertical farming  was initially a practical solution to a lack of sustainable soil by growing  up  instead of out. In 1999, Dickson Despommier, a professor at New York's Columbia University, popularized the modern idea of vertical farming. 
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How To Prevent Canopy Overheating With Heat Mapping

Most growers are aware that different types of plants have varying preferred climates in which they grow. Some plants grow happily in one environment throughout their entire life cycle; others grow best in one environment during the vegetative stage and another during the flowering stage. 

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Pest Infestations: Safeguarding Your Indoor Grow


Pests have been a problem for farmers since the dawn of time. Growing nutritious plants is a veritable buffet for insects. In the past, growers were limited to crop dusting with harmful chemicals. But things have changed, at least for some. 

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Harvest HOC Talks Fertigation

Growlink is proud to work with companies like Harvest HOC, who support local communities, invest in charitable organizations, and work to educate the public on how medical marijuana may assist a variety of ailments. Recently, we sat down with Gram Garby, cultivation manager at its greenhouse in Gainseville, Florida. 

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The Importance of Monitoring EC Levels In Your Indoor Grow

There are numerous things in your indoor grow that are critical to measure and monitor to keeps things growing. Lighting, CO2 levels, airflow, for example, are essential aspects of your business that need to be regularly observed and adjusted. But it's also vital to measure EC levels.

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Can Urban Farming Change The Way We Grow?

Urban farming is widespread for many reasons, such as sustainability, affordability, health, and convenience. Today urban farming exists in many forms, including community and backyard gardens, rooftop and balcony gardening, indoor vertical farming, just to name a few.

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Why Lighting Automation Is Important For Indoor Cannabis Grows

There are many variables when creating an indoor cannabis grow. Nutrients, lighting, airflow, spacing, and irrigation are all crucial factors when setting up your grow space. In this article, we'll focus on lighting and the benefits of automation. By using automated lighting, greenhouse growers can better meet the needs of their plants with scheduled light spectrum and intensity adjustments. This improves plant performance and the ability to meet year-round growing demands with the added benefit of lower electricity bills. 

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Microgreens: Tiny Plant, Big Nutrition

Thanks to a resurgence in the popularity of microgreens, more and more people are growing these nutritionally potent plants for personal use, and some have even started growing commercially. We recently sat down with a few folks who grow microgreens, from hobby to commercial, here's what we found out about these tiny greens.

What are the best plants to grow as microgreens from home? 

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