Growlink Smart Farm Blog

Is Fertigation Right For Your Grow? Pros and Cons

Is Adding Fertigation to Your Growing Mix Right for You?

AgTech is revolutionizing the way crops are grown. The ability to control environmental factors and agricultural processes with extreme precision leads to better crop yields, better resource management, lower costs, and improved environmental conditions. One precision technology that has become extremely popular across a wide variety of crop types is fertigation – the synthesis of fertilization and irrigation. 

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How To Expand Your Grow Vertically

How To Expand Your Grow Vertically

A lack of space to expand crop size has been a limiting factor for growers and farmers for as long as agriculture has existed. Still, thankfully, technology has answered the call for help with an increasingly popular solution – grow up.

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B Force Farm Highlight

Recently, our very own Account Executive Jim Stephens went on-site in the great pacific northwest to visit one of our favorite customers, B Force Farms. Located in Hillsboro, Oregon, it's a small town that grows some big buds. Jim came to town to do a site follow up and ensure that the recently installed Fertigation system was functioning correctly on the B Force cannabis farm, and to make sure owner Kirby Marcellini was satisfied.

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Are Your Plants Getting Too Much Light?

Too much of anything can be a problem. Light is no exception, and a thoughtful grower needs to be strategic about the placement and strength of light sources in a greenhouse environment. Let's examine over-lighting and consider available remedies.

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Are Your Plants Suffering From Nutrient Burn?

Nutrient Burn – How to Detect Overfertilization and Nip it in the Bud

One common problem that many indoor growers run into is the leaves of their plant's browning, curling, and drying out around the edges. The most likely cause is nutrient burn. 

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Small Plant, Big Potential: Microgreen Disrupters

Microgreens have been around for a long time, but they're enjoying a resurgence lately, thanks to some forward-thinking businesses, chefs and growers alike.

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4 Cannabis-Infused Chocolates For Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate that special someone in your life. If you're single, it's a time to avoid going out to dinner or the card aisle at Target, but it is a uniquely special time of year if you love chocolate. And who doesn't love chocolate!? Especially when they're infused with cannabis and or CBD. So check out my personal favorite cannabis-infused chocolates to celebrate this auspicious occasion.

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The Importance Of Monitoring Your Indoor Grow

Sustainability in farming is about more than saving precious resources like water; it's about creating a growing environment that takes the guesswork out of agriculture. And nothing does that better than proactively monitoring your indoor grow. Monitoring is beneficial for greenhouses because changes in the growing environment can be dealt with before they damage plants. This means that harsh conditions and losses due to problems such as sudden temperature fluctuations are quickly identified, and adjustments can be made to avoid widespread crop losses. Here are the top 3 things you should be monitoring in your greenhouse.

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Can CBD Assist In The Opioid Crisis


The opioid crisis unfolding in America has already taken the lives of almost a million people in the US alone. This is why doctors and patient advocates are fighting for access to CBD in the fight against the opioid epidemic.

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5 Reasons To Embrace AgTech

Just a few short years ago, almost no one knew what agtech was.  But today, agricultural technology – from vertical farming to data science  – is the new hot thing. In 2017 alone, total investment was over $1.5 billion – a new record for the industry, and one that's setting the stage for explosive growth.

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