Growlink Smart Farm Blog

Grassroots Cannabis: Customer Highlight

Mitch Kahn co-founded Grassroots Cannabis in 2014. Since its humble beginnings, the company has scaled up considerably and secured 27 licenses in seven states with more than 300 employees. 

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Best Agricultrual Injectors For Indoor Grow Operations

Fertilizer injectors have been used for decades and are utilized by the majority of growers in the U.S. to apply water-soluble fertilizers to plants. These devices "inject" a pre-determined amount of concentrated fertilizer solution into an irrigation line so that the water supplies the proper concentration of fertilizer to the crops. 

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Must-Have Equipment For Your Greenhouse

Regardless of size, here is your must-have list of equipment before you start growing.

Whether you're planning to grow fruits and vegetables for your family, create an award-winning flower garden, or grow commercial, here are some must-have equipment options to consider. Because like everything in life, nothing stays the same, and agriculture is no different. 

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Fanatical Customer Service During The Covid-19 Crisis

With the current global crisis transforming how we do business, the good folks at Growlink have asked me to talk to their clients and customer service support team to examine how they're adapting to the ever-changing circumstances they find themselves in.

To start, I wanted to get a distinct look at their clients. The diversity of their clients is immense. From hobbyists growing orchids in a closet to massive, multi-state cannabis grow operations; it's an eclectic crowd.

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Can CO2 Increase Your Greenhouse Yield?

The quick answer is yes, but to properly adust CO2 levels, it's crucial to comprehend how the process works. So let's start with a little CO2 education. 

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Agtech Trends: Greenhouse Automation

Agtech has had a profound impact on the agricultural landscape. As a blanket term, "agtech" has been used to describe a host of innovations occurring at the intersection of technology and agricultural production, encompassing everything from crop-surveillance drones to remote lighting tools.

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Growlink Customer Highlight - Harvest HOC

Steve White left his successful law firm in 2013 to open his first Harvest HOC location in Phoenix, Arizona. Thanks to his dogged determination, people had access to legal, medical marijuana products, resources, and services.

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Extraction Company Pivot To Supply Hand Sanitizer To High-Risk Workers

Beyond Asheville, North Carolina's historical landmarks, cultural arts, and breathtaking natural beauty is Brandstracts, LLC, a company that conceived and launched Helios Hand Sanitizer in just ten days in response to Covid-19. Alexander "Axie" Quarrier Blundon, CEO and Co-Founder, has always been an activist. With growing concerns over limited access to hand sanitizer that was once plentiful, he decided to do something about it. 

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How Greenhouse Automation Can Assist In Social Distancing

Unless you've been living off the grid for the past month, you're probably aware that the effects of the Covid-19 virus have changed our world as we know it. More and more companies are sending employees home to help stop the spread of the virus. This has led to uncertainty and leaves business owners searching for ways to manage without staff. 

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What Type of Lighting Is Right For My Indoor Grow?


Mixed-Use Lighting for Indoor Agriculture

When it comes to fueling plant growth, lighting is one of the main ingredients of a maximum yield recipe. Figuring out if you want full natural sunlight only, a mixture of artificial light and natural sunlight or strictly artificial light depends on many factors like location, access to high load utilities, and even regulations. Let's begin with the current lighting options available.

What Are My Lighting Options?

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