Growlink Smart Farm Blog

Why Micropropagation Could Soon Be an Option for Cannabis Production

A technique called micropropagation, which has proven beneficial to many ornamental plants, may soon also be used in cannabis, thanks to work by University of Connecticut (UConn) researchers in the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources.

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Top 3 Reasons To Use A Nutrient Dosing System

Nutrient dosing or delivery systems are associated with precision irrigation, automation, and convenience, but it's also known for high upfront costs. Sticker shock can frighten growers into putting off buying the equipment, even though most growers admit that the upfront investment eventually pays off. Reduced resource waste, lower labor requirements, and saving time are just a few of the things that convince growers to invest in their cultivation facilities' future. Let's examine what nutrient or fertilizer delivery systems do and why using one may be more beneficial than you think. 

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Setting Up An Indoor Cultivation Facility

As more states approve medical and adult-use cannabis, it's creating business opportunities for master growers and experts in controlled-environment cultivation. The initial planning phase is critically important for success. Let's examine the basics of setting up a successful indoor cannabis cultivation facility.

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Customer Highlight - Terrapin Care Station

Founded in 2009 in Boulder, Colo., Terrapin Care Station is a consumer-focused cultivator, processor, and provider of high-quality medical and retail cannabis products. A leader in corporate responsibility, developing one of the most comprehensive cannabis training and recycling programs in the industry.

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High Standards In Your Grow Operation is Critical To Your Success

As a commercial cannabis grower, it's crucial to ensure that your cultivation operation functions at its optimal levels at all times. Having the appropriate commercial greenhouse or indoor grow room design and equipment is critical. Lighting, climate control equipment, HVAC, fertigation, sensors, fans, controllers, and automation equipment are paramount to your success. And so is keeping your operation clean and adequately maintained. The health of your plants is dependent on your ability to keep equipment working and the area clean. Let's take a look at ways to keep your space clean and well maintained. 

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6 Benefits of Vertical Farming

Producing large quantities of quality crops year-round using advanced vertical farming methods is becoming increasingly popular. Whether it's in a container farm, indoor grow, or greenhouse, growing up instead of out is a viable option. Let's examine why vertical farming plays a considerable role in the future of global food production.

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Innovations in Soil Moisture Sensors

For decades, growers have used technology to predict and increase yields. Grow software, sensors, controllers, data analytics, and fertigation help manage greenhouse and indoor grow climate and irrigation. As with any industry, technology constantly evolves by refining processes, upgrading systems, and improving hardware and software.  

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The Ancient History of the Cannabis Plant

Cannabis plants frequently make headlines in the US and around the world. The LA County Police recently raided an illegal cannabis grow worth an estimated $1B in street value. So while it's enjoying less criminal prosecution, it's still making news. 

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How to Prevent Mites From Invading Your Greenhouse

University of Florida (UF) researchers have released their latest insights on mites known to attack hemp plants in Florida.

For growers contemplating — and who have begun — growing hemp as part of farm trials associated with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Industrial Hemp Pilot Project, this latest release focuses on lessons learned and provides detailed information on three major groups of mites. The mites, which can be lethal to hemp grown in Florida fields and greenhouses, are hemp russet mites, broad mites, and spider mites.

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Benefits of Growing With Hydroponics

Growing crops utilizing the hydroponics method of growing has become increasingly popular in the last 20 years. It's been around for centuries and dates back to ancient civilization; read more about the history of hydroponics here. But times have changed, and the current understanding of the science behind hydroponics allows us to grow larger yields with fewer resources. Where we grow crops is constantly evolving and changing. Vertical farming, indoor farming, and climate-controlled greenhouses are increasingly becoming popular methods of growing. And just like where we grow changes, how we grow does too. Let's examine the ways that growing with hydroponics can be beneficial.

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