Growlink Smart Farm Blog

Vegetative and Generative: Cannabis Growth Stages

With the popularity of crop steering, which manages plant growth by adjusting environmental factors and/or irrigation to encourage a crop's desired outcome, we thought we would examine the intended growth stages; vegetative and generative. Changing environmental conditions and irrigation allow growers to influence growth toward the desired growth stage. Let's examine the differences and the right time to direct growth towards a particular stage of the cannabis plant life cycle. 

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2021 Hemp News

The hemp industry is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing sectors in the United States. Here are five of our favorite hemp stories from 2021. 

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Substrate Moisture Sensors

Agricultural technology constantly evolves by refining processes, upgrading systems, and improving hardware and software. Substrates, the medium your crops are grown in, provide an opportunity for monitoring through substrate moisture sensors. Many growers face plant nutrition challenges that affect plant quality and profitability. Monitoring water content, temperature, and electrical conductivity in your substrate provide critical crop-level data for farmers and growers. 

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Managing Greenhouse Humidity

The simple result of an enclosed growing space combined with focused sunlight is an ideal growing space. Humidity, however, can often be an enemy in such situations. Condensation is a common by-product in greenhouses as plants release moisture back into the air— especially when cold temperatures batter the greenhouse exterior. Humidity in a greenhouse is necessary, but controlling it is crucial to preventing plant stress and negative side-effects like fungus, mold, or mildew. 

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Environmental Control Systems

As indoor commercial cultivation becomes the gold standard in cannabis grows, environmental control systems' demand increases. Also known as controlled environment systems, these complex systems require extensive research. Let's cover some basics before you dig into specifics.  

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Vendor Highlight - H. E. Anderson Company

What started as a man tinkering on innovations in his garage in the 1950s turned into a quality company with a profound past and an extremely bright future. H.E. Anderson Company not only provides the best quality pumps in the U.S., but they're also made in the U.S.

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Benefits of Greenhouse Farming

Greenhouse farming has been a part of our growing history worldwide since at least the Roman era. But evolving technology and climate change are transforming how and why we grow in greenhouses. Let's examine some of the benefits of greenhouse farming. 

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Fertilizer Delivery Systems

Whether in a commercial grow or an at-home garden, all plants require nutrients or fertilizers to thrive. Automated commercial fertilizer delivery systems can be costly, and sticker shock can intimidate growers into putting off the upgrade. Many growers admit that the upfront investment pays off. Lower labor costs and reduced resource waste, along with saving time, are enough to get many growers to take the plunge. We'll dive into what fertilizer or nutrient delivery systems do, how they work, and the potential benefits associated with investing.

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Automatic Greenhouse Control System

The modern greenhouse maintains a growing environment that is about more than just the air temperature, combining multiple factors that impact plant growth like heat, humidity, light levels, and ventilation. Keeping environmental factors at optimum levels is simplified through the use of automation. Let's take a deeper dive into how it works and why you should consider an upgrade. 

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Container Farming Basics

Despite a desire for locally grown produce, almost half of the fresh fruits and vegetables bought by American's last year were grown outside of the United States. According to the USDA, in 2008, organic produce grown in the US accounted for less than one percent of total crop acreage, and improvements have been slow.

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