Growlink Smart Farm Blog

How Smart Greenhouses Increase Profits

Agriculture has never been a get-rich-quick venture. Even in the best of seasons, commercial greenhouse profit margins may be slim. Let's explore the factors that drive commercial greenhouses' profitability and consider what cutting-edge technological remedies can help growers operate cost-effectively.

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Common Mistakes When Setting Up Hydroponics

Starting a hydroponics garden is thrilling. It's an exciting project where you can enjoy the progress your plants make over time. However, producing perfect plants requires some skill and attention to detail that take time to develop. Even if you have a lot of guidance in setting up your grow space, you may make mistakes in the initial development stages.

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What is Fertigation?

The first time I saw the word fertigation, I was confident that it was a typo. Still, after researching and understanding the union of irrigation and fertilization, I began to get it. And while I'm not as knowledgeable as some growers, I have been educated on the subject matter. In this blog, we're going to focus on fertigation as it applies to indoor cultivation. So let's look at what fertigation is and why it may help you and your grow operation save valuable resources. 

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An Update On Cannabis Trimming Technology

Cannabis trimming technology suppliers are constantly developing more innovative products. However, to be accepted by the growing industry, these products have to provide a solution to the current and future problems producers face, and they must be designed specifically for the cannabis market.

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Customer Highlight - Thrive Containers


In November 2020, Thrive Containers launched its new intelligent container technology to disrupt the commercial farming industry. With COVID-19 and climate change creating strains in global food accessibility and supply chains, the founders of Thrive Containers rethought the world's agriculture systems. By enabling local growers to provide fresh produce within their community, the St Petersburg, FL manufacturer has impacted the gap in accessibility to fresh produce. 

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5 Reasons To Hire A Cannabis Consultant

When companies are working on a new product or planning an expansion, it can be hard to make informed decisions or take the necessary actions without getting wrapped up in emotions or politics. This is amplified in the cannabis industry, as the rules and regulations surrounding cannabis are often complex and vary from state to state. Whether you are starting a new company or planning to scale up, hiring a reputable cannabis consultant is often a necessary tool for taking businesses of any size to the next level.

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Top 5 Most Unusual Hemp Facts

Industrial hemp was grown in the U.S. since the first European settlers arrived in the early 1600s. It was considered illegal NOT to grow hemp in 1619 in Jamestown, Virginia. Massachusetts and Connecticut had similar laws. In the 1700s, subsidies and bounties granted in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and other New England states encouraged hemp cultivation. Industrial manufacturing of cordage and canvas was also highly encouraged of all new settlers. 

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Celebrities You'd Never Expect In Cannabis

When you think about celebrities who embrace cannabis, you think about people like Snoop Dog, Billy Ray Cyrus, Willie Nelson, Seth Rogan, and Cheech and Chong. But in this article, we're exploring the more unexpected famous folks who have taken a deep inhale and jumped into the cannabis industry with both feet. 

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Navigating Multi-State Cannabis Operations

Running a cannabis company has its difficulties, but running a cannabis business across multiple states (MSO's) can be downright challenging. This blog examines how companies can manage the continually shifting sand beneath their feet as regulations change how they run their operations. 

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How To Harvest Hemp All Year Round

Are you interested in growing hemp? Why wouldn't you be?! Hemp is revered the world over for being the only plant with the power to feed, clothe, and heal us. And thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, which removed hemp from the controlled substances act, it is legally recognized as an agricultural commodity.

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