Growlink Smart Farm Blog

VPD Basics For Indoor Cannabis Grows


With so many conditions to measure in a climate-controlled greenhouse or indoor grow, it can become overwhelming. Each condition has a potential impact on how your plants grow and the level of their health and ability to deliver a consistent crop. Whether you're growing tomatoes or cannabis, let's examine the importance of monitoring VPD, vapor pressure deficit.

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Customer Highlight - Dr. Robb Farms

Dr. Robert Flannery is the first Ph.D. in the United States with certified technical expertise in growing commercial cannabis. He earned his doctorate from UC Davis in Plant Biology with an emphasis in Environmental Horticulture with specific expertise in hydroponic crop optimization for cut-flower production. While working on his doctorate, Dr. Flannery began advising Cannabis cultivators throughout Northern California on modern horticulture practices. As Production Director at SPARC in San Francisco, Dr. Flannery managed the company's largest department and supervised every segment of cannabis cultivation, packaging, & delivery of the final product to retail. An overachiever for sure!

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Sustainable Ways To Deal With Greenhouse Insects

Growing inside a greenhouse provides your plants with a certain amount of protection from harsh weather conditions, but pests can still become an issue. Because your plants are tightly packed together in a confined area, it's especially important to prevent an infestation before it affects your entire grow operation. While the best defense is an exceptional offense, should pests find their way in, eliminate them before they spread to the rest of your plants using sustainable methods to improve your carbon footprint.

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Best 5 Cannabis Substrates

Cannabis plants have an amazing capacity to adapt to different growing mediums, which gives growers significant advantages, as they can be grown in diverse places using different types of substrates. Let's examine the different options for the medium your plants are grown in.

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Hemp Varieties, Irrigation Strategies Top California Research Priorities

A series of new University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) research projects are taking a deep dive into the opportunities and challenges for hemp production in the Golden State.

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3 Tips On Creating A Sustainable Indoor Grow

Indoor cannabis grow operations have become the industry standard by providing privacy and an environmentally controlled growing space. These indoor grow facilities have a few downsides that you need to consider when creating a sustainable grow operation.

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Growlink Fall Update

While Fall closes the door on Summer, Growlink is harvesting new innovations on their OS Platform.  But like last month, we're focusing on our core strengths and doing another long term employee highlight in sales expert Colton Breedlove.

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Fall Greenhouse Energy Saving Tips

Changing seasons means it's time to reassess your lighting and watering goals for the Fall. As you know, greenhouse energy costs account for a significant share of a grow operation costs. Using available energy sources can affect your ability to harvest the predetermined crop quality and yields you forecast. And as the colder weather approaches, doing some maintenance can also save you some cold cash this winter. 

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Nutrient Delivery System Basics

Automated nutrient delivery systems can be expensive, and sticker shock can intimidate growers into putting off the upgrade. However, the vast majority of growers admit that the upfront investment pays off. Lower labor costs and reduced resource waste, along with saving time are enough to get many growers to take the plunge. We'll dive into what nutrient delivery systems do, how they work, and the potential benefits associated with investing.

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Can Lighting Increase Cannabis Potency?

Many factors influence the THC potency of cannabis plants. Environmental factors like temperature, humidity, nutrition, and genetics all play a part in terpene content and THC potency. An often overlooked factor is lighting. Let's examine how lighting can impact cannabis potency. 

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