Growlink Smart Farm Blog

The History of Agriculture

How we grow food has changed considerably in the last 50 years, with a surge in alternative agriculture emerging in our very recent history. Advances in technology, greenhouses, and consumer demands have all impacted food production. Let's take a look at how agriculture has evolved and what changes we can see ahead.

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The Benefits of Keeping Greenhouse Technology Simple

Greenhouse equipment should be simple for the end-user. This was the topic of a blog post written earlier this year by Chris Higgins, General Manager and Co-owner of HortAmericas, a wholesale supply company. The main message offered by Higgins was that the most successful products should be easy to use, learn, operate, and maintain. Why does this matter? It affects how much money a grower can make, as smart purchases can lead to a better return on investment (ROI).

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Hemp Heart Recipes For Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to find gratitude for family and friends. And this year, instead of bringing canned cranberry sauce, step up this year! Try some of these easy and delicious recipes to add some flavor and protein to your Thanksgiving dinner. 

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New Emerging Cannabis Markets

While the presidential election has been fraught with accusations, protests, and celebrations, let's examine some of the more compelling outcomes from the 2020 election: cannabis legalization! Yes, six states have adopted or updated the legalization status of cannabis in their state. This brings the total number of fully legal states to 17, 35 medical states, and only six states that still refuse to allow their residents access to a healing alternative to toxic pharmaceuticals. 

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The Importance of Urban Farming

As Americans, we're pretty lucky to have access to fresh food, regardless of what time of year it is. Now that many world regions are back on lockdown and international shipments are likely to be delayed, it's important to be more self-reliant than ever. One of the ways we can be self-sufficient is to buy local and support urban farming. 

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Is Cloud-Based Data Storage Right For Your Grow?

Regardless of what business you're in, storing data can be costly and confusing. Cloud-based data storage solutions are increasingly in demand worldwide, especially for businesses utilizing automation that requires data collection and analysis, like agriculture. Let's dig into your cloud storage basics and options. 

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CropBox -  Vertical Crop Consultants

South of the North Carolina state capital of Raleigh is the small rural town of Clinton, N.C., the headquarters for Vertical Crop Consultants, or Cropbox. 

Tripp Williamson, Owner, and Founder started VCC in 2016, after years of working for the family business, Williamson Greenhouses, and finding his passion and success. Tripp had the vision to create more innovative and sustainable ways to grow local produce. He also wanted to provide insights to all indoor growers, not just the shipping container market.

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Can Big Data Increase Your Cannabis Yield?

Collecting data in your indoor grow, or greenhouse provides critical information that directly impacts your cultivation operation's success. Acquiring an extensive understanding of critical crop level and environmental data helps you grow with confidence. So let's examine ways that big data can increase yields, provide more accurate crop predictions, and furnish you with some much-deserved peace of mind. 

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Vote On Election Day! Sativa or Indica?

It's election day! And like most people, regardless of who you're voting for, you're likely pretty tired of non-stop obnoxious political ads, angry debates, and cancel culture. Luckily we don't want to talk about any of that, except voting, that is. Because today we're asking you to vote, not for the next tenant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but your favorite cannabis type!

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Terpenes: Understanding The Science

All plants are made up of a multitude of chemicals and compounds, and cannabis is no different. The science behind the plant is complex and compelling. The cannabis plant has an unusually high number of organic, aromatic hydrocarbons called terpenes. Let's take a closer look at how terpenes form during growth and how they impact your final product.

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